COVID-19 and Workers' Compensation

Changes to Unemployment Compensation Benefits
Our Federal Government just passed a historic $2 trillion stimulus package. Within the legislation, there were significant changes to Unemployment Compensation Philadelphia benefit payments that are important for you to know.
- An additional 13 weeks of benefits to the total benefit period were added. In Pennsylvania, the total benefit period to collect Unemployment Compensation benefits is 26 weeks; the bill extends the period to 39 weeks;
- Eligible workers will receive an extra $600.00 per week for four months in addition to the state Unemployment Compensation benefit (in Pennsylvania, benefits are about 50% of your earnings up to the max of $573);
- Usually, there is a one week waiting period to collect benefits. The new legislation pushes states to waive the waiting period and has the Federal Government pay the benefits for the week (you will not have a waiting period); and
- The relief legislation provides benefits for workers including the self-employed, independent contractors, and those with a limited work history, who are unemployed, partially unemployed, or cannot work because of certain coronavirus-related reasons.
Can I receive Workers’ Compensation if I get the coronavirus?
If you are one of many people who have to continue working because of the type of work you do (essential) and you get sick with the coronavirus while working, you may have the right to receive Workers’ Compensation in Philadelphia.
Coronavirus symptoms generally appear 2 to 14 days after being exposed to the virus. One of the challenges employees will likely face will be determining the specific exposure that led to infection with the virus. For this reason, it is advantageous to consult an attorney, especially if your employer violates your rights and does not offer you Workers’ Compensation after a work related exposure to and infection with the virus.
More importantly, if you experience symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), regardless of where you got sick and what your legal rights are, it is essential that you call the doctor immediately and follow their advice and recommendations. Once you have consulted with a medical professional, call HGSK Lawyers to advise you on what you can do. Please call us at (570) 559-9110 or 1-888-311-4262.
What happens if the insurance company stops paying the Workers’ Compensation benefits you have already been receiving?
If you were injured at work and you were getting paid a weekly check, but the insurer stopped paying you, know your rights! Insurance companies are required by law to notify people when they will stop paying Workers’ Compensation benefits. This notice must include the date benefits will end and a reason why these benefits will end. Here in Pennsylvania, if you have been receiving Workers’ Compensation disability checks for more than 90 days, it almost always requires a Judge’s order to stop your benefits!
Here are some reasons why the insurance company may attempt to stop paying Workers’ Compensation checks:
- Your employer offers you a light duty job that they say you can do even though you are still injured.
- A doctor says that you have already achieved a full recovery from your work injury.
- The insurance company determines that you were not injured on the job (even if your benefits have been paid up to 90 days).
- The insurance company doctor says you had a pre-existing condition, so therefore your pain and impairments are not related to your work injury.
It is invaluable to continue to receive medical care for your work injuries. We can help.
Why use Telemedicine Services?
Due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the government has implemented a “stay home” rule and this can complicate our lives in many ways, especially with people who need medical attention. So using telemedicine systems becomes extremely important. By using telemedicine, we reduce the flow of patients in emergency rooms, which is very beneficial, not only for you and your family, but for people who need urgent medical care and even for medical employees. However, it also remains important to receive medical attention for your work injuries, virus, or otherwise. HGSK lawyers can arrange for a telemedicine consultation for new and ongoing injuries! Call us at to coordinate a telemedicine consultation today. Call us at (570) 559-9110 or 1-888-311-4262.
What can I do when they stop sending me my Workers’ Compensation check?
At this time, it is extremely important to seek legal advice from an expert lawyer in these types of cases. HGSK Lawyers will promptly start the process of demanding the payment or the protection of your benefits. We also have access to many resources that can help you, your family and your Community beyond Workers’ Compensation.
We are at your service for a FREE consultation. Don’t worry and call HGSK, Your Community Lawyers, The Winning Team! (570) 559-9110 or 1-888-311-GANA
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